Seal Mysteriously Ends Up In The Middle Of A UK Field

  • 9 years ago
Under normal circumstances, you would expect to witnesses a seal either in or by the sea. However one was recently spotted in a field in the town of St. Helens in the United Kingdom.

Under normal circumstances, you would expect to witness a seal either in or by the sea. However one was recently spotted in a field near the town of St. Helens in the United Kingdom.

The marine mammal was first spotted by a local resident. The field in which it was found is about 20 miles inland, and it is believed to be about 50 miles away from its home.

Experts aren’t quite sure how the grey seal got to the property, but speculate it swam up the River Mersey away from its colony and got lost along the way.

The species can grow up to 7 feet long and reach a weight of up to 500 pounds. They are protected under the 1970 Conservation of Seals Act.

Shortly after the stranded seal was spotted by the dog walker, law enforcement authorities arrived on scene. Officers were able to contain the distressed mammal while they waited for staffers from the British Diver Marine Life Rescue Service to get there.

Conservation officials were eventually successful in getting the seal loaded onto a trailer. It was then transported to a wildlife center for an evaluation.

Rescuers planned to take it back to the River Mersey, in the hopes that it will find a seal colony there.
