Kim Kardashian Says Her Weight Gain Was God Teaching Her A Lesson

  • 10 years ago
Kim Kardashian told Elle magazine that she believes the weight she gained while pregnant with North West was God teaching her a lesson.

Kim Kardashian told Elle magazine that she believes the weight she gained while pregnant with North West was God teaching her a lesson.

Said the reality star, "I'd think God was doing this for a reason. He was saying: 'Kim, you think you’re so hot, but look what I can do to you. My body just went crazy. After five months I swore I’d never get pregnant again. I got so huge and it felt like someone had taken over my body."

According to Kardashian at one point she weighed in at nearly 200 pounds, a fact that made her either laugh or cry depending upon the day.

She also revealed that body image has been a long-standing issue for her, and it’s taken years for her to accept her curvy physique.

While confidence is something she has now, that wasn’t always the case.

Having grown up at a time when tall and stick-thin was the only body type considered ideal, Kardashian admits she spent a lot of time praying to be less buxom.

Now, she’s happy to have helped break that mold and is grateful to all who have supported her.
