Latest Helicopter Design Puts Emphasis On Speed

  • 10 years ago
Typically speed is one thing that is not associated with conventional helicopters. However, the latest chopper, which was recently unveiled by Sikorsky Aircraft, puts an emphasis on the speed element.

Typically speed is one thing that is not associated with conventional helicopters . However, the latest chopper recently unveiled by Sikorsky Aircraft, puts an emphasis on the speed element.

The S-97 RAIDER can travel as fast as 220 knots, as or more than 250 miles per hour.

Sikorsky staffers are hoping the US Army will consider the aircraft a suitable replacement for OH-58D Kiowa Warrior, which currently acts as the primary scout chopper.

The Army's present helicopter has a top speed of 120 miles per hour.

According to Sikorsky, the S-97 Raider is capable of carrying external weapons and six troops or alternatively ammunition and additional fuel for longer missions.

The cockpit has enough room for two side by side pilots.

Sikorsky’s President said the chopper offers “greatly improved maneuverability and speed, significantly improved high/hot hover performance, and greater range and endurance.”

The smooth-handling aspect is achieved by a coaxial design. The rotors move in opposite directions, which helps to even the lift and stabilize torque.

The aircraft’s first flight should take place sometime this year. In 2015, the company hopes to demonstrate the chopper to military officials.


