Grandmother Picks Up Wrong Child From School

  • 10 years ago
A family in New Jersey is angry following a school error that left their toddler missing for a short period of time. A staff member at Dale Avenue School reportedly sent a little girl home with a stranger.

A family in New Jersey is angry following a school error that left their toddler missing for a short period of time. A staff member at Dale Avenue School reportedly sent a little girl home with a stranger.

A grandmother had arrived at the school to pick up her granddaughter. Somehow, she ended up with the wrong child. The other little girl had the same first name of Madison .

The grandmother hugged and kissed the girl and didn’t initially realize she had the wrong child. She hadn’t seen her real granddaughter in 9 or so months, which may have contributed to the confusion.

The mistake was only caught when the mother of the girl who was taken called to say she was picking up her daughter. Schools officials told her Madison had already been taken home.

The family was in panic mode, believing their daughter was missing. School staffers contacted the grandmother, who arrived back at the school with Madison. She apologized for not realizing the mistake.

Madison’s father, Gemar Mills remarked “The person who is supposed to pick up a child must be on the list, if not the parent. They did not send the parent inside to be identified. They simply took her word for it.”

School officials have since apologized for the incident and have tightened security measures.


