Some People Have DNA From Three Parents

  • 10 years ago
Most people naturally assume that all humans are the product of 2 biological parents. A handful of people, however, have 3.

Most people naturally assume that all humans are the product of 2 biological parents. A handful of people, however, have 3.

In the 1990s a clinic in New Jersey performed nearly 20 infertility treatments that involved the inclusion of donor mitochondria, a source of DNA.

The pioneering procedure was developed based on the suspicion that cytoplasm, which contains mitochondria, may be the reason behind some women’s inability to conceive.

That proved to be a keen observation, as by injecting some of the biological material from a donor into the egg of the recipient, the doctor was able to produce successful results.

It also meant that of the children who were born as a result of the procedure technically have 3 biological parents.

Despite the procedure’s numerous successes, there were some unfortunate complications and it was banned in the years shortly following its development.

The science may, however, get another chance.

Mitochondrial transfer is being considered for legalization in the UK where it could be used to prevent often debilitating genetic disorders.

If approved, the procedure would be only for that purpose and not available as a fertility treatment.