What Kind of a Sponsor Are You

  • 10 years ago
What Kind of a Sponsor Are You?

If you’re in multilevel marketing, network marketing, I just want to ask you, what kind of a sponsor are you?

I was in a forum today and this person who’s not been in the business very long said that his sponsor never talks to him, everything is set up on autopilot so he gets automated messages every once in a while.

He never hears from his sponsor; his sponsor never personally contacted him when he signed up, and he doesn’t answer his emails.

And what has happened is, as this sponsor has moved up in the ranks and has started making more money, he’s become a “blind sponsor.” Kind of like having a blind company owner that buys a company but then never shows up, doesn’t care what anybody else is doing, literally doesn’t care what people are doing because he pays people to do everything for him.

So this sponsor has moved up and he has virtually automated his entire business. He’s got co-ops bringing people in; he’s probably got virtual assistants that are handling the emails, he’s got an autoresponder system set up, he’s got automated systems for when you opt in you get an automatic download for something.

But you can not find him anywhere. There’s just no where to find him. So you sign up for his program and then you’re just kind of left hanging because all of these automated things are coming in but there’s no personal interaction.

As I mentioned in a couple of other videos and as you’ll hear some of the top online marketers say, MLM, network marketing is a people business. It’s a people business.

What Kind of a Sponsor Are You?