Fifty-Year-Old Bonsai Goes To Space

  • 10 years ago
Space is somewhere many dream of going, but few ever get to actually experience. Artist Azuma Makoto said that capturing familiar beauty in such an environment inspired his recent work in which he sent a bonsai and a flower arrangement far up into the sky.

Space is somewhere many dream of going, but few ever get to actually experience.

Artist Azuma Makoto said that capturing familiar beauty in such an environment inspired his recent work in which he sent a bonsai and a flower arrangement far up into the sky.

The 50-year-old tree and carefully constructed bouquet were, with the help of JP Aerospace, carried into the upper atmosphere by balloons.

Each transport apparatus was outfitted with several cameras that captured images of the plant life as it soared over the clouds and towards the edge of the atmosphere.

The manicured tree made it over 90 thousand feet up before its balloon gave out.

Upon its descent two parachutes unfurled, but where it landed remains a mystery.

The bouquet did not quite get that high but reached 87 thousand feet above ground.

It too, was lost during its trip back but, thankfully, the cameras and photos were found.

While the images are stunning, the journey is not a first.

All sorts of odd objects have been sent to space, including a KitKat bar, Amelia Earhart’s watch, and a corned beef sandwich.


