12-Year-Old Boy Finds Mummified Body Hanging Inside Ohio Home

  • 10 years ago
A 12-year-old boy in Dayton, Ohio was exploring an abandoned house when he came across a mummified dead body hanging in the closet that the coroner says had been there for around five years. One neighbor who has lived across the street for forty years has called to get the city to mow the grass on the overgrown house, but no one ever thought to look inside, until the boy, whose mother describes as adventurous, found the body.

"My son came home and said he gone to an abandoned house and he found a body and I said what?" [Via WHIO/CNN]

A 12-year-old boy in Dayton, Ohio was exploring an abandoned house when he came across a mummified dead body hanging in the closet that the coroner says had been there for around five years.

One neighbor who has lived across the street for forty years has called to get the city to mow the grass on the overgrown house, but no one ever thought to look inside, until the boy, whose mother describes as adventurous, found the body.

The boy‘s mother is quoted as saying: "My son came home and said he gone to an abandoned house and he found a body and I said what? When he first came across it, he thought it was dummy or a mannequin."

The body is believed to be that of the owner of the house, who bought the property back in October 2009, and died shortly thereafter in an apparent suicide.

Neighbors say they thought the house was empty, and claim to have never seen the owner, or anyone coming or going from the property.

Some people reported that they remember smelling something rotten at one point, but assumed that it was an animal that had died on the premises, and didn’t think to investigate further.