Father Accused Of Chaining Young Son To Bed For 10 Days

  • 10 years ago
A 6-year-old child in Utah was recently found shackled inside his home. Investigators suspect the dad, 28-year-old Sammie Hodges, restrained the boy to the bed in the morning right before he went to work.

A 6-year-old child in Utah was recently found shackled inside his home. Investigators suspect the dad, 28-year-old Sammie Hodges, restrained the boy to the bed in the morning right before he went to work. He reportedly unchained his son after he got back home.

Logan City Police Chief Gary Jensen thinks Hodges began securing him right after school dismissed for the summer, so that would make it approximately 10 days. The child was given enough slack to reach the bathroom.

“I would describe it more as a toe style chain, or even perhaps a logging chain, a very substantial metal chain that was padlocked to the bed frame and padlocked to his ankle.” [Via KSTU]

His father also left behind food for the day. The 6-year-old appeared to be in good health and there were no obvious injuries on his body.

Police were sent to the residence after a tip came in by an anonymous person. Hodges was arrested and is in jail on ‘four counts of child abuse’. The boy was placed into the custody of the Division of Child and Family Services.

Chief Jensen stated “I can't imagine somebody chaining a child up like an animal. It's difficult thing to wrap your head around.”
