Navy Is Paying One Penny to Get Rid of Iconic Aircraft Carrier

  • 10 years ago
The Navy has decided to get rid of one of its old aircraft carriers. Instead of selling the carrier, the Navy is paying to have it taken off their hands.

"This is Sara, the Saratoga…not so much a ship but an island with 5 thousand inhabitants." [NBC]

The Navy has decided to get rid of one of its old aircraft carriers. Instead of selling, the Navy is paying one penny to have it taken off their hands.

In a recent announcement, the Navy said ESCO Marine of Brownsville, Texas, will receive the carrier. The 56,000-ton Saratoga was decommissioned two decades ago in 1994.

It was first put to use in 1956. The USS Saratoga has quite an interesting history, having been actively utilized in North Vietnam for two years in the early 1970s.

According to Navy documents, the warship was part of 'Operation Desert Storm' in 1991. 6 years earlier, fighters from the carrier assisted in the capture of terrorists who hijacked a cruise ship in the Mediterranean.

In the near future, the USS Saratoga will only be a memory. ESCO Marine plans on dismantling and recycling the retired carrier.

The recycler will make its money by recycling and selling the scrap metal.

The USS Saratoga is the second aircraft carrier to be sold for a penny by the Navy in the past two years.


