Chingy Spits on Ahayah name and teaches children Sorcery

  • 10 years ago
In this video I'll prove to you all that the rapper Chingy had never intended to joined the Hebrew Israelites truth movement.

Chingy had taken the name of the Most High Ahayah in vain read Exo 22:18. He teaches his followers (children) that it's ok to practice witchcraft and the bible is just a metaphor.

I had agreed to some of Ringos' context in my Facebook email, which he may not remember me. Moreover where in the hell are the GOCC- the Gathering of Christ at? Did they not publicized and boasted about having Chingy with their large mouth?

Chingy is most defiantly a spy for the Music Industry Rothschild; many awaken Israelites and I thought the GOCC would have taught him the truth in a secret basement. I honestly don't know why I thought a basement!

The GOOC need to act quickly to tell the people that Chingy had no intent to awaken The Most High chosen people into the truth. and to make a public apology for promoting this man nation wide.

If nothing is done many will assume this lost sheep is still in the truth and will lead many Hebrew Israelites astray.

2 Ti 2:15, Book of Enoch Chap 1:8, Exo 4:10-13 & Pro 17:4
