
  • 17 years ago
Round up the family for a new twist on fresh baked cookies or brownies! This dessert is not only delicious it is also easy and fun. Kids will love to prepare their own Skookie with their favorite cookieor brownie recipe. These tasty treats will quickly become a family favorite!

The Cast Iron Skillet is also great for personal pizzas. fajitas and much more!

The Skookie cast iron skillet is made with the highest quality cast iron. Our cast iron is seasoned with natural oils that are baked into the iron to create a black finish called a "Patina." This creates a natural. non-stick finish. Cast iron is a great material for cookware. The advantages of cast iron include even heating. superior heat retention. and a natural stick-resistant finish. This makes cast iron great for baking and you won't get better results with any other cookware.