MH 370 search shifts after latest 'credible lead'

  • 10 years ago
The search for the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH 370 has shifted following a “credible lead,” according to the Australian Maritime Safety Authority.

The zone of focus has now moved 1,100 kilometres north-east of the previous search area.

The calculation is based on fresh analysis which indicates the Boeing 777 was flying faster than at first thought and burning fuel quicker as a result.

If the new lead is accurate it will mean the search aircraft can get to the zone faster and stay in the air longer, thus – it is hoped – increasing the effectiveness of the search.

The latest area of focus is outside the ‘roaring forties’ bad weather zone, which will aid those looking for the missing airliner.

MH 370 disappeared on March 8 en route to Beijing from Kuala Lumpur with 239 people on board.
