Condolences, compensation - and Chinese families' fury over missing MH370

  • 10 years ago
Families of the Chinese passengers on board missing Flight MH370 remain furious at what many of them see as a cover-up.

And a meeting on Wednesday with Malaysian government and military envoys sent to Beijing has not assuaged their anger.

“We are thoroughly disappointed in how Malaysia Airlines has handled family members’ reasonable demands,” said Steve Wang, a representative of the Chinese families.

“We are furious that they have repeatedly deceived everyone in the world. We hope their lies will be exposed.”

Malaysia Airlines denies hiding the truth from the families of the 239 people on board, over 150 of whom were from China.

With relatives due in Perth, Australia’s Chinese community has stepped forward.

“Most of the families coming here will need a fair bit of support – emotionally and in terms of logistical support as well,” said Sammy Yap, of the Chung Wah Association of Western Australia. “The main thing is we speak the language, we understand the culture. We know what their needs are.”

Chinese insurance firms have begun making payouts to passengers‘ families, according to China’s state news agency Xinhua..


