Chinese Military Troops Have Gotten Too Big For Their Equipment

  • 10 years ago
The Chinese military, known as the People’s Liberation Army are reportedly getting too big for their equipment. A recent study published in the army’s official newspaper says that some troops have gotten too big to fit in tanks, or their arms are too long for their rifles.

The Chinese military, known as the People’s Liberation Army are reportedly getting too big for their equipment.

A recent study published in the army’s official newspaper says that some troops have gotten too big to fit in tanks, or their arms are too long for their rifles.

The United States military is facing a similar problem, but the root cause is different.

American soldiers are struggling with obesity and being too fat to serve in the military, while Chinese troops are actually getting larger because they are healthy, and not undernourished as children.

According to the survey of over 20 thousand troops, the average Chinese soldier is two centimeters taller and has a waistline five centimeters larger than the average from 20 years ago.

Ding Songtao, the director of the survey said: “The configuration of armaments and military personnel's physique should be matched, because that is the only way to ensure handy use of the equipment.”

So the Chinese military is working to redesign some equipment to fit their growing troops.