Breast Reduction in Los Angeles | Dr Peter B Fodor | (310) 203-9818

  • 10 years ago
What is Liposuction Only Breast Reduction Surgery in Los Angeles?

The most minimally invasive, and in Dr. Fodor’s opinion still highly underutilized, technique is lipoplasty only breast reduction (LOBR). Rapid recovery, virtually undetectable scars, and no sensory changes or loss of ability to breast feed are some of the major advantages. LOBR also serves well for the older patient group, many of whom for health or other reasons prefer to have a smaller operation, even with the trade-off of some residual droopiness. As the name implies, liposuction breast reduction involves the removal of excess fat in the breasts using only the liposuction technique. The beauty of this technique is that there is little to no scarring.

Am I a Good Candidate for Liposuction only Breast Reduction Surgery in Los Angeles?

Though not all women seeking breast reduction are good candidates for Liposuction only Breast Reduction LOBR, Dr. Fodor believes this approach could be selected for many more patients. In women for whom nipple/areola position is not sufficiently improved through LOBR, a lift procedure of a lesser magnitude than previously would have been necessary can be carried out at a later time. In Dr. Fodor’s experience, this happens much less often than anticipated.

Whatever technique is employed, breast reduction surgery has far reaching benefits, aesthetically as well as functionally and is associated with a very high patient satisfaction rate.

How Much Does Liposuction Breast Reduction Surgery Cost in Los Angeles?

The cost for a breast reduction will vary depending on the severity of your case and techniques used for surgery. At your consultation Dr. Fodor will be happy discuss your options and cost based on your needs.


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