Coffee Table Features Lines of Moving Color

  • 10 years ago
A new furniture piece called the Prism Table not only serves as a functional table, but it also acts as a form of visual trickery.

It’s fairly certain you have a unique piece of furniture when houseguests do a double take. A new table called Prism will make visitors do just that.

It not only serves as a functional table, but it also acts as a form of visual trickery. Derived from Stainless Steel, glass and colored elastics the end result is stunning.

It’s the plastic material that helps mimic the concept of light refraction.

The designer described the process stating “this table takes lines of colour, emerging from a single bar and transforms them across its frame. By weaving and twisting its linear geometry this table transforms from point to point. The maze of mixing colours creates surfaces that meld together to form a beautiful whole.”

In laymen’s terms, that means the piece can be viewed from any angle and it will appear just like a prism refracting light. The table combines both minimalism and complexity.

The streamlined and basic design meshes effortlessly with the continuous color movement. Prism is the brain child of Maurie Novak of MN Design, a Melbourne, Australia based design practice.