Car Salesman Bitten by Customer's Spider Monkey

  • 10 years ago
A customer at Pat O'Brien Chevrolet brought along his pet monkey named Brody while checking out the inventory. An employee there, Jack Bialer was given permission to pet the monkey but he received a bloody bite to the hand.

We are all tempted to pet a cute animal when we see one. But how the animals feel about that is a different story.

A car salesman in Vermilion, Ohio unfortunately learned the hard way the spider monkeys can have a serious aggressive streak. According to reports, a customer at Pat O'Brien Chevrolet brought along his pet monkey named Brody while checking out the inventory.

An employee there, Jack Bialer noticed them and asked the owner, Jacob Ruehlman if it would be ok for him to pet Brody. Although Ruehlman gave him permission to do so, Brody seemed to be unsure.

He smelled Bialer and then bit him on the thumb, drawing blood. As a precaution Bialer drove himself to the hospital.

Following the incident, the police were called. When Ruehlman was questioned, he admitted that he didn’t have an exotic animal permit but claimed Brody received a rabies vaccination in Missouri. The veterinarian responsible for administering the vaccine later corroborated that fact.

While Bialer is expected to be fine after the bite, Ruehlman could face charges for being in illegal possession of the monkey.