World Cup Soccer Opening With Mind-Controlled Kick

  • 10 years ago
Preparations are underway to have the World Cup Soccer opening kick performed by a paralyzed teen.

Preparations are underway to have the World Cup Soccer opening kick performed by a paralyzed teen.

The individual will wear a specially developed motorized suit, which will allow them to stand and kick the ball by using the power of their brain.

Designed by The Walk Again Project, which is lead by the Duke University Center for Neuroengineering, the garment employs a network of sensors that help the wearer stand upright and move forward.

The thought of walking becomes the actual act when signals are passed via computer from the brain to the mechanical legs.

At this time, there are 10 candidates who are undergoing training and testing, all hoping to be the one chosen for the June event.

Selection of the lucky candidate will rely heavily on their mastery of the suit as well as their body size.

In addition to being an enormous life event for the one picked, the World Cup spotlight is a big deal for the suit’s developers.

Said one of them, “Most people don’t believe it is possible, but if all goes well, this will prove to them that we are closer than they realized.”
