Top 5 Fitness Gifts on C'est la Vie

  • 10 years ago
Personal Trainer and Nutrionist Selah Victor from C'est la Vie with Selah V! gives you the top 5 fitness gifts for the holidays! From the FitBit Zip to a personalized yoga mat from, Selah gives you ways to help you and your loved ones stay in shape and de-stress in the holiday season. Wanna give someone the gift that keeps giving all year long? Give the gift of a membership! For just $10/month, you can try it for yourself with SELAH in checkout. The FitBit Zip is a wireless activity tracker that helps you keep control of your activity and calories burned during the holidays. It makes an affordable and unique gift. Another affordable gift is workout bands, ranging from $7-30. For the calorie conscious friend, give portion control plates from Did this clip whet your appetite for more? Then get your complete fitness fix by digging into our episode archive here: What's next on C'est la Vie with Selah V!....check Selah out on Twitter (@selahvfitness) or Facebook ( and share your thoughts! Selah Victor has been a personal trainer and nutritionist in Los Angeles for the past 10 years. She specializes in weight loss and injury prevention and loves to help people find ways to convert their favorite recipes into something healthy.