Tourist Playing With Smartphone Walks Off Pier

  • 11 years ago
One woman in Australia fell right into cold waters while checking what was new on Facebook.

How many times a day do you see someone walking along with their heads down and eyes glued to their phones? Most people will agree- smartphones are addicting.

One woman in Australia fell right off a pier while checking what was new on Facebook. The female, a Taiwanese tourist, had been in Melbourne when she walked on and subsequently off St Kilda's pier. She then fell into the cold waters of Port Phillip Bay.

Thankfully a witness saw what happened and immediately notified law enforcement. She was stranded in the water for about 20 minutes before a speedboat came to her rescue.

The senior constable detailed the incident stating “She was still out in the water laying on her back in a floating position because she told us later that she couldn't swim. She still had her mobile phone in her hand and initially she apologized.”

The lady was transported to a local hospital for a checkup but according to reports, did not sustain any serious injuries. She admitted to getting distracted during her walk because she was checking her social media page from her device. According to police, she managed to hold onto her phone throughout the incident.