SMARTFINANCESOLUTIONS.NET - False Co-Signature on Student Loan?

  • 11 years ago
Find the best financial services for you at: SMARTFINANCESOLUTIONS.NET - False Co-Signature on Student Loan? - I have been informed by the bank, that I must pay a student loan for $26000, because they claim I am the co-signer. I never co-signed any loan for any amount. I used to work with this person and when I contacted him via facebook, he said he would take care of it, then, I never heard from him again. Recently, I received letters and a legitimate credit report, which informed me of the seriousness of this issue. The bank said this loan would default in my name if I did not pay. So, I made the first two payments (bank said it would not be an admission of guilt) to buy time to figure this out and requested the signature paperwork, thinking, maybe I did sign something, unknowingly (they said it looked like my signature, according to my driver’s license). I received a forgery packet and the documents, signed by the borrower and what appears to be my signature. The signature itself looks like mine, but the printed name is very obviously not and is even misspelled. We worked together, therefore making it easy for him to obtain my driver's license and signature. But, the printed name is wrong.
I have been advised to sue, call the police, file bankruptcy, pay the loan...My credit is being ruined, and this person is gone. If it is my signature, and I call the police, will I be in trouble for fraud, even though I did not approve of this? I am thinking he either had me sign something that I thought was something else or forged my name and did not have a copy of my printed name. What can I do, to make this easy? This person can not be found by the bank, and I have no contact information. The signature itself looks like mine, but the printed name is very obviously not and is even misspelled. We worked together, therefore making it easy for him to obtain my driver's license and signature. But, the printed name is wrong.
Please Advise! -