Palestinian Man Takes Revenge on Mouse Who Ate His Pay

  • 11 years ago
A Palestinian man recently took revenge on a mouse that ate through his weekly salary by posting a picture of the tortured mouse online.

Apparently, hell has no fury like a man who has had his hard-earned money destroyed. A Palestinian man recently took revenge on a mouse that ate through his weekly salary by posting a picture of the tortured mouse online.

When the man found that the approximately $170 hidden in his closet had been eaten by a mouse, he suspended the mouse in air with ropes tied to its paws and pulling on its limbs. He then posted the image on Facebook.

The man had just received his salary while many public workers had cashing paychecks delayed for several months due to the Palestinian National Authority’s fund shortage. It seems to be the worst economic climate in the history of Palestinian territories.

Many people have expressed their comments about the man’s actions. Some people are outraged; one comment saying it was “unacceptable to act this way with creatures which cause little harm to human beings.”

Others have been sarcastic such as calling for the UN General Assembly and Security Council to rescue the mouse.

And lastly, many have been poking fun and say it is social commentary on the value Palestinian public workers put on their money.

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