Man Camping in National Forest Killed When Tree Falls on Tent

  • 11 years ago
A man who was simply enjoying nature was killed after a 200-foot tall tree came crashing down on him.

You never know when simple, day-to-day activities can turn life threatening.

In a heartbreaking report, 48-year-old Kyle L. Garrett who was camping at the Stagger Inn Campground in eastern Washington died when a 200 foot tall tree came crashing down on his tent.

A 52-year-old woman who was also camping was injured by the same falling tree but she survived the ordeal. Authorities with Idaho Panhandle National Forests are now working to determine tree damage in an effort to prevent such incidents in the future.

According to a spokesperson for the U.S. Forest Service , a recent wind storm caused several trees to weaken and later fall.

A supervisor at the Idaho Panhandle National Forest stated “We are deeply saddened by the tragic accident at our campground and are making every effort to ensure that last night’s storm damage has not left hazard trees in our developed recreation sites.”

In the meantime, visitors are urged to meticulously inspect their surroundings before selecting a campsite. Insect infestations, leaning trees and damage to roots, branches or trunks are clear indicators that the tree is not healthy and could fall.
