Chef Faces Expulsion From Country for Being Too Overweight

  • 11 years ago
A chef from South Africa who is living in New Zealand has had his work visa denied because he is too overweight to pass the health inspection for immigrants.

Each country has its own take on how to tackle obesity.

A chef from South Africa who is living in New Zealand has had his work visa denied because he is too fat to pass the health inspection for immigrants.
Despite living in New Zealand for six years, and actually weighing less than when he first moved there, 286 pound Albert Buithenhuis is now facing expulsion from the country.

Buithenhuis’ wife said: “We applied year after year and there were no issues. They never mentioned Albert's weight or his health once and he was a lot heavier then.”

When he moved to New Zealand in 2007, Buithenhuis reportedly weighed around 350 pounds.

Around 30 percent of adults in New Zealand are overweight, making it the third most obese country in the world.

A spokesperson for the New Zealand immigration office said that Buithenhuis’ work visa application was rejected because he was obese and that puts him at significant risk for other health problems like heart disease and diabetes.

Buithenhuis and his wife are appealing the visa rejection, but in the mean time, neither of them is able to work.


