9 Legal Problem Areas for Schools in Ireland

  • 11 years ago
http://EducationLawIreland.com Running a school isn’t easy with a myriad of potential problems facing school authorities, boards of management, VEC’s on a regular basis.


According to Allianz PLC, the 8 key problem areas which require particular attention from schools are as follows:

1. Employment law

There is a huge volume of employment and equality legislation which impacts on a school. In addition, schools must be aware of circular letters from the DES, statutory instruments containing Codes of Practice, and agreed procedures drawn up between management bodies and trades unions.

2. Health and Safety

The Safety, Health & Welfare at Work Act, 2005 places significant obligations on Boards of Management.

3. Emergency Procedures

The Fire Services Act 1981 and Licensing of Indoor Events act 2003 sets out the procedures to be adopted in schools in respect of fire safety.

4. Code of Conduct

The Education (Welfare) Act 2000 obliges the Board to draw up a code of behaviour for pupils.

This also covers the steps to be taken when a pupil’s behaviour falls short of the standard, suspension, and expulsion.
