Blood Test May Predict Aging Speed

  • 11 years ago
A group of scientists believes they’ve isolated a marker in the blood that may predict how aging is going to pan out for people.

Scientists from King’s College London believe they’ve isolated a marker in the blood that may predict how and when people will age.

It’s called a metabolite, and among the 22 types of them floating around in the bloodstream there’s one that has exhibited unique features that may someday aid in foretelling future health with a simple blood test.

Its discovery was part of a study that analyzed the blood samples of over 6000 twins along with comparing the birth weights among identical ones.

One expert offered, "scientists have known for a long time that a person's weight at the time of birth is an important determinant of health in middle and old age, and that people with low birth weight are more susceptible to age related diseases.”

Another specialist stated that genes are only a part of the eternal health prognosis - how a person ages also relies upon their environment and lifestyle.

The scientists involved in the study say their findings could contribute to the future development of age-related treatments.

At this time the application of their discovery is limited to fairly accurately identifying an individual’s actual age from their blood sample.


