Puffit Vaporizer Review

  • 11 years ago

"I personally love the Puffit. I have never had a vaporizer before and I was weary about the price but willing to pay for a good one. I am really happy with my purchase. The best way to get a lot of vapor is to ground the herb really fine and then pack it in as tight as possible. I had to play around with it a lot before getting used to this (how much to put, how tight to pack it). And for this reason, I almost think the chamber is too big because I have to pack it so full! But this isn't necessarily a problem. I feel like the people who don't get good vapor are doing it wrong. However, I vaped with my friend who smokes every day, and he didn't feel like it was as potent as smoking a bowl. I both agree and disagree. For him, it didn't work too well. But for me it worked great! You definitely have to be patient.

You will have to inhale the vapor for a good 15 minutes or so, and the effects will creep up on you and hit you hard, but not as hard as actually smoking. When I load my chamber up I usually grind the herb a ton and then chop it up some more and get it as fine as I can. Then I fill the bowl, pack it down, fill the bowl again, pack it down even more, and then I top it off and shove the cap on. I use setting 8 and i get a very heavy, hot tasty cloud of vapor that feels almost like steam! After vaping for 30 or so minutes, the herbs in the chamber only seemed half used and i was able to share it with three friends, all of which liked it as well and felt it. :) I would say if you plan on using it like this to not do it in public as the vapor can be seen and that's obviously not discreet, but I feel the vapor is best when used like this and would recommend doing it like so."

