Michael Bennitt Newsletter | Just a Few Words to Sell Your Business

  • 11 years ago
Originally appeared in the Michael Bennitt Newsletter April 2013 http://archive.constantcontact.com/fs113/1103559743049/archive/1112946166509.html

These days, having a solid slogan can make all the difference. Creating just the right slogan isn't as straightforward as just throwing a handful of writers in a room for a few hours, though. The top slogan writers agree that the best slogans most often arise unexpectedly, and may well be a longer sentence, rather than the pithy phrase that conventional wisdom regards as the gold standard.

Here are seven tips for creating the ideal slogan for your business:

1. Embrace the unexpected - Assigning a writer the job of coming up with a tagline or slogan is one of the surest ways to prevent them from doing so. Some of the best slogans arise spontaneously from unrelated projects.

Read more http://archive.constantcontact.com/fs113/1103559743049/archive/1112946166509.html