Tick Proof Repellent

Tick repellent by Tick Proof™ is the world's strongest tick repellent. Our repellent is unbeatable, all-natural, made with five essential oils, handcrafted in small batches in upstate New York. Protect your family, friends, children, and neighbors with our powerful all-natural tick repellent, the #1 defense against the threat of infectious disease-ridden ticks. Tick Proof might save your life.

Using a tick repellent is not just about protecting from highly publicized tick-borne diseases like Lyme disease. The totality of all sickness and disease transmittable by ticks is a terrifying threat. Tick Proof is a shield against over a dozen tick-borne diseases, including all the newest and scariest, such as the Powassan virus, which has a 10 to 20 percent mortality rate.

If a tick has not bitten you yet, consider yourself lucky. Tick-borne disease is one of the most severe threats facing the nation. Then again, perhaps you have been bitten and can count your good graces, having not contracted a disease; you do not feel the bite of a tick. Using a repellent designed for ticks is a must, an essential safety procedure for anyone spending time outdoors.

Skip the difficult task of tick removal and the long, expensive, and stressful process of disease diagnosis. Buy Tick Proof, shake well, apply liberally. Tick Proof is the best tick repellent in the world.

Tick Proof protects against all the worst tick-borne diseases, including Lyme disease, babesiosis, heartland virus, anaplasmosis, Powassan virus, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, tick paralysis, and Colorado tick fever.

Tick Proof tick repellent will stop the bite of all of the worst ticks in America, the Eastern and Western blacklegged tick ("deer tick"), Lone Star tick, Rocky Mountain wood tick, American dog tick, brown dog tick, Asian longhorned tick, and Pacific and Gulf Coast ticks.