"The Dead Must Die" is a new comedy/horror web series set after the inevitable ‘Zombie Apocalypse’.
There are 7 zombie fueled episodes, which will be posted every Friday for the next 7 weeks.
It follows two video game geeks, Steve (Stephen Russell) and other Steve (Jonny Helm) as they navigate through the wild terrain of their long awaited (and often discussed) zombie apocalypse.
Unfortunately, neither of them is really prepared for the reality of the situation…
Through blizzards, anti-zombie hate mobs, sand-eating, creepy nameless ninja chicks, crossbows, and moms; our heroes shall venture forth into this new world, where there is only one thing they can be certain of: that the dead must die!
From its beginnings as an in-character Twitter account dealing with the zombie apocalypse, The Dead Must Die has developed into a full grown monster series with the aid of its award winning creator Matthew Snyman ( and Digital Media Producer Alex Barkaloff (Lionsgate) and of course the lovely folks at DailyMotion.
"The Dead Must Die" is a new comedy/horror web series set after the inevitable ‘Zombie Apocalypse’.
There are 7 zombie fueled episodes, which will be posted every Friday for the next 7 weeks.
It follows two video game geeks, Steve (Stephen Russell) and other Steve (Jonny Helm) as they navigate through the wild terrain of their long awaited (and often discussed) zombie apocalypse.
Unfortunately, neither of them is really prepared for the reality of the situation…
Through blizzards, anti-zombie hate mobs, sand-eating, creepy nameless ninja chicks, crossbows, and moms; our heroes shall venture forth into this new world, where there is only one thing they can be certain of: that the dead must die!
From its beginnings as an in-character Twitter account dealing with the zombie apocalypse, The Dead Must Die has developed into a full grown monster series with the aid of its award winning creator Matthew Snyman ( and Digital Media Producer Alex Barkaloff (Lionsgate) and of course the lovely folks at DailyMotion.
The Dead Must Die Trailer
13 years ago
The Dead Must Die: Episode 7 - Every Zombie has a mother
13 years ago
The Dead Must Die: Episode 6 - A bad case of the munchies
13 years ago
The Dead Must Die: Episode 5 - These hills also have eyes
13 years ago
The Dead Must Die: Episode 4 - Pillow Talk
13 years ago
The Dead Must Die: Episode 3 - The worst zombie ever
13 years ago
The Dead Must Die: Episode 2 - Bring the rain
13 years ago
The Dead Must Die: Episode 1 - A tale of 2 Steves
13 years ago