Spirit Walker

A look into the esoteric realms of an infinite mind consciousness which brings together the light beings from which we are all associated with in the spiritual realms of today's reality. Without this awareness we are all just sheep, blinded by societal ignorance and government deception. It is time for us to awake to a higher consciousness from which we are all both creators and co-creators of the ether world around us.
Sometime in 2008 I began to become aware that something was really very wrong with the reality from which we were all being presented with on a day to day basis by both our government and the media. It seemed that Corporations were becoming more a Primeval Source for our deceptions, and that our government had become a direct link to corruption by masking their ties with these unspoken number of the world largest Corporations. George Bush seemed less interested in hiding these facts, and because of his arrogance I was able to see through the lies and deceit with eye's that only in those moments truly began to see.
I think that this reality will at some point prove futile to the human race, as our time on this Earth seems to be becoming less a certainty, and more of a non-certainty. With all of the recent UFO sightings and video footage, there has been no time in the history of man on this planet for at least 10,000 years from which we are being giving such a vast amount of information by means of a free and open internet in which we are more clearly then ever allowed to see the truth without all of the Spin that usually is associated with the 6 O'clock news.
Now is the time to pierce the darkness and once again see the truth in all of it's advanced technological states, and for the first time in a long time, be able to see that contact is a forth coming reality, and that E.T.'s are no longer questioned, but are now an understood phenomena from which ancient civilizations tried to warn us about through complex calender systems.
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