Activating Pleiadien Memory, a meditation by Judy Satori

  • 15 jaar geleden

A message from Judy

In March 2006 I was asked by my guides to hold a retreat at Tauhara, a beautiful spiritual retreat center on the shore of Lake Taupo in New Zealand. Lake Taupo is very sacred to the Maori people and it is also thought that there is an ancient Lemurian temple at the bottom of the Lake. On the first day of the retreat I received guidance that all the people present needed to use their combined energy to re-activate the huge quartz generator crystal which had once been part of the temple. I was told that at the time of the Fall when mankind’s spiritual gifts and abilities were very much diminished and the decline of Lemuria’s spiritually advanced civilization occurred, the resonance of the crystal was sealed off by the elders so that the crystal could not transmit energy.
There were 72 people in the group, which is interesting in itself because there are 72 sacred names of Metatron.