Peer Fischer Holm

Jeg hedder Peer Fischer Holm og er medlem af Århus Videoklub. Jeg har optaget videofilm siden 1982, og har redigeret film på PC siden 1999. Mit kamera er et Sony HDR-HC9.
Jeg har fået denne mail fra DailyMotion
Tillykke! Du er nu officielt en Motionmaker. Du kan indsende videoer af ubegrænset varighed og med op til 1 GB filstørrelse (selv om de skal være web-optimeret). Alle videoer du uploader vil drage fordel af bedre encoding og HD support, og kan vælges for salgsfremstød på det Dailymotion hjemmeside, når de er blevet valideret som kreativt indhold.
English: My name is Peer Fischer Holm and I am a member of Aarhus Video Club. I have recorded video footage since 1982, and edited the film on the PC since 1999. My camera is a Sony HDR-HC9
I have got this mail from DailyMotion:
Congratulations! Your video "Sydamerika 5 Machu Picchu" has been accepted into the Motionmaker program - you are now officialy a Motionmaker. You can submit videos of unlimited duration and with up to 1 GB filesize (though they must be web-optimized). Any videos you upload will benefit from better encoding and HD support, and may be selected for promotion on the Dailymotion homepage, once they have been validated as Creative Content. What's more, you can now personalize your profile - just go to My Account > Skin Factory.

Thanks for sharing your creative videos with the Dailymotion community!