Nathan Carr Fullerton Videos Nathan Carr Fullerton

Nathan Carr Fullerton is the resident of Fullerton city, California, USA. Presently, Nathan Carr Fullerton is working at California State University as an associate professor. Nathan Carr Fullerton has been holding this position since August 2009. Before this, he was working as an assistant professor at California State University. Nathan Carr Fullerton started his career in 2001 as a lecturer at California State University Dominguez Hills. He completed his graduation from University of Oklahoma in 1991 in Russian Studies, Russian Language and Literature. He completed his post graduation from Oklahoma City University in 1996. He completed Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Applied Linguistic in 2003. At present, Nathan Carr Fullerton is working as a consultant at International Skills Verification Services as well. Nathan Carr Fullerton has knowledge of Russian, Spanish and Chinese (Mandarin) except English. He is a man of positive thinking and positive approach. Nathan Carr Fullerton believes in the quote “Nothing is good or bad in the world but our thinking makes it so”. Nathan Carr Fullerton has presented many seminars as yet. He has many publications as well by now. He likes to read books on language very much. Nathan Carr Fullerton likes traveling, making social contacts through social networking sites, net surfing, photography, listening to music, and watching movies. Nathan Carr Fullerton has joined Dailymotion to watch and share some of his favorite videos related to music, dance, movies, songs, funny and many more other interesting videos. Keep visiting this Dailymotion profile of Nathan Carr Fullerton for the latest updates.
As per Nathan Carr Fullerton, if you watch funny videos, it will be much better for you to reduce the stress level from your life as laughing is the best exercise to become healthy and that costs nothing. So, you will watch here some interesting and entertaining funny videos that will make you laugh again and again. Keep visiting this profile of Nathan Carr Fullerton to watch funny videos