Kenny Tarr

I am Kenny Tarr and welcome!

Welcome to Kenny Tarr Studios. This is the home for all movies, short films, sitcoms, primetime dramas, news shows, game shows, reality shows, comedy programming and specials from Kenny Tarr Studios, the only individually-run media enterprise in the world.

All videos are free to watch on here, and

Millions of hours of entertainment coming within 12 months. Please advertise what you like about our entertainment to your friends and let them know that entertainment is no longer an elite man's game.

Coming soon,

Kenny Tarr Studios official first feature release

"Paternity" starring James Dean and Jodie Foster will premiere in the weeks ahead.

New episodes of Lower Class Mischief, The Long Beach and the new miniseries Touch Of Grey.


The studio is open for business.
@kennytarr hasn’t created any playlists yet