Jason Croxford

Hello my friends-

I have made a choice to take my life in an entrepreneur style.
I spent years wandering the corporate world trying to make ends meat - I couldn't figure out what I wanted to do with my life.
It seemed everyday things got more and more bleak until I couldn't see the light.

I moved to FL in Nov of 08 - Thing's began to look up when I realized that I had control over my reactions to life - Nobody has control over life but you can control how you react to situations. Once I learned this I realized I was the only one holding me back, I am the only one manifesting everything around me.
Once this simple idea became realized I started to turn things around. I began working out regularly with P90X through BeachBody. Some mistake the title of the program as PX90 but it's really all the same.
As I started shaping my physical life I realized that there was a rising business opportunity that anyone could get involved in with beachbody. I became a coach instantly and began to grow myself professional/ spiritually at the same time I worked on my fitness.
All areas of my life have come together and all it took was the right mindset - Hard work - and all the right tools.
I continue to pursue coaching and enjoy helping others realize the same things as me. This life only happens once - Share what you can - Enjoy every moment regardless - Life comes at you, all you can do is react, choice wisely and all your dreams can come true!
I invite you to my personal Beachbody Blog for more information

Speak Soon.

-Jason Croxford
aka BetterBody90
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