
Indie Power is a Music & Entertainment marketing, promotion and distribution company that brings the best marketing services and experience to our clientele of independent labels & artists.

We take the BEST of what the majors do and streamline it so the indie labels & artists can take advantage of having all areas covered. Our staff consists of Top Pros who have worked with many of the top major companies and musical acts in the industry.

We offer campaigns and services that are customized to fit your needs and reach your audience. We bridge the creative & business worlds, from the major approach to the indie spirit to create a strong momentum for your campaign.

We constantly add to our arsenal of cost effective services that we offer to create a ONE STOP SHOP for all your needs. From mastering to graphic design, manufacturing, printing, radio and retail promotions - we cover ALL the bases needed to maximize your opportunities.

Go to our website to learn about our customized marketing and promotion packages.

Phone: (818)-505-1836
