David Brauer

Supposedly, I'm to describe myself in this box. I'm weird. Not like 'creepy, scary, illegal weird', but a person who thinks out of the box a lot, as the phrase goes. I'm left-handed, so it's only natural for me to not take what I see exactly as I see it.
I like old things. Old music, old books, old people (well, sometimes). I don't fit into to-day's world. I'd rather be back in like 1916 or something. I hate television and a lot of to-day's technological inventions that many people seem to be slaves to. Yet, I use this quite often. Odd, yes?
I can speak German! and some French.
I like to make stop motion animation films. When I find time to do that. I'm thinking about majoring in cinematography in college. (Currently, I'm a junior in high school.)
I upload a lot more videos to Youtube, but the ones here are ones that I like better. The not-o-good-ones are at: http://www.youtube.com/user/dbrauer43
I'm multi-facted, so if you want to know anything more, I could surely come up with something...
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