Cheryl Shuman

Welcome to the Beverly Hills Cannabis Club! We pride ourselves on being the sophisticated and classy new face of the Cannabis Reform Movement throughout the United States. My name is Cheryl Shuman. This group was created to provide Social Networking and Events Throughout the Entertainment, Film, Television and Music Industry. If you would like to mix and mingle with the elite at fabulous evenings with like minded friends in society at Legal Cannabis Tastings at our mansion parties? Here's your exclusive invitation to join the Beverly Hills Cannabis Club :) SHARE with those friends of yours that you feel would be a "fit" for our club :) Thanks everyone! Looking forward to seeing you all in person soon! Let's make history together and start this revolution! :)
-Cheryl Shuman

About Cheryl Shuman:
Referred to as the "Martha Stewart of Marijuana," Cheryl Shuman brings 25 years of experience working with media, celebrities, marketing and health care in Beverly Hills. Shuman found her passion in the cannabis movement since 1996 working as an activist and legal cannabis patient. Since using cannabis therapy, she has survived cancer and injuries from two car crashes.

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