William Brighenti, CPA

Certified Public Accountants are often characterized as stiff, lifeless, mechanical, humorless, myopic, anal, compulsive, regimented, geeky, and boring; however, in spite of these relatively complimentary epithets, they have been much maligned as well, particularly by marketing individuals. Although all of these characterizations may indeed “hit the mark” about many CPAs, these stereotypical descriptions do not apply to all CPAs: maybe 99.9% of them, but certainly not 100% of them. In an attempt to set the record straight, and under the penname of the “Barefoot Accountant”, William Brighenti began writing a blog not only to discuss accounting, taxes, and QuickBooks subjects, but to publicize the CPA's human side, which was, in fact, uncovered quite by accident by Charles Darwin in the 1830s while he was on the Galapagos Islands looking for their fossils, refuting the mistaken belief that CPAs had become an extinct species centuries ago.

Hopefully, you may find some of the Barefoot Accountant’s blog postings not only informative but entertaining, since he pokes fun at his colleagues, as well at himself, at every available opportunity. Such publicized irreverence of the accounting profession accounts for much of the disdain expressed towards the Barefoot Accountant throughout the entire Milky Way and beyond by virtually every Certified Public Accountant, who have been applying to the Vatican to reinstate the Inquisition in order to burn him at the stake. Bill has appealed to the Pope for intervention, a plenary indulgence, and a charitable donation made out to “cash”.

Visit http://www.cpa-connecticut.com/blog/ for everything you need to know about debits, credits, nerds, and geeks. For assistance with taxes, accounting, QuickBooks, bookkeeping, etc., please visit http://www.cpa-connecticut.com.
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