Rachel Bangoura

Bangoura Band

African dance
In a new show

Ensemble African Ballet

On 28.11.07 in 21.00

Inbal Dance Theatre, suzannedellal center, Tel Aviv
A colorful group of percussionists and dancers lead by Saboula, a Djembe Master from West Africa.
A spectacle of rhythm along with traditional dancing and ceremonies originating in West Africa
The group presented before two African ballets:
"Riding the Drum" and "The Magical Drum".
Bangoura Group has preformed at "Suzann Dellal" theatre, "Jerrard Behar" theater in Jerusalem and throughout theatres all around Israel.
And participated in national dance festivals, such as "Macholohet" festival, Suzann Dallal, and the eminent Carmiel dance festival.

Musicians: Saboula and Rachel Bangoura, Asaf Steinberg, Hen Meir, Tomer Segal, Yair Hashachar,
Singing: Dana Malki Sigal.
Dancers: Rinat Engel,Sharona Arava, Yael Sharoni, Shahaf Bentur.

For more ditails:Rachel Bangoura
04-6373966, 054-5715489