How Omega Three Fish Oil is the Best Supplement

  • 11 years ago There are thousands of different health supplements on the market today. But the kind of supplement most often recommended by doctors and nutritionists is almost certainly omega 3 fish oil. But what is omega 3 and what is all the fuss about? Well, omega 3 is an essential fatty acid, meaning that it is a type of fatty acid that our bodies cannot manufacture. We can only get it through diet. Fatty acids are vital for health because they’re one of the key building blocks for every cell in our body. Our cells use these compounds for every biological function and more than that, they determine the health and effectiveness of the membranes of the cells themselves. We simply could not survive without them. The western diet is very high in omega 6 rich foods such as meats and vegetables, so this deficiency is extremely uncommon. Omega 3 on the other hand, is not so prevelant. There are three types of omega 3 fattt acids: alpha-linolenic, or ALA, Eicosapentaenoic, or EPA and Docosahexaenoic, or DHA. ALA is found in some green leafy vegetables, flax seed and canola – so we do generally get enough of this through diet. EPA and DHA are found primarily in cold water oily fish. We can get enough by eating these types of fish twice a week, but most of us don’t and so omega 3 deficiency is quite common. Why is this important? Researchers believe omega 3 deficiency is linked to many health issues. There are literally thousands of studies being conducted to try and understand these links. What is known is that EPA may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and DHA may be important for brain function. All health care providers agree that adequate levels of EPA and DHA are necessary for good health. And health care providers also agree, that if you had to choose one supplement for overall health, it would be omega 3. Ballena Nelle pharmaceutical…
