Davis Museum

Davis Lisboa, Davis Museum | The Davis Lisboa Mini-Museum of Contemporary Art, 2009, plexiglas ballot box and vinyl, 7,8 x 7,8 x 7,8 in.

Davis Museum | The Davis Lisboa Mini-Museum of Contemporary Art, was founded on Facebook in 2009, is the smallest contemporary art museum in the world, with its own permanent contemporary art collection. It is also a ready-made sculpture and collective work of art. It is a non-profit artistic project that organizes and produces exhibitions, encourages research and promotes contemporary art exhibitions.

Davis Museum has travelling exhibitions to other cultural centers, museums and institutions, nationally and internationally, while generating debate, thought and reflection. Its mission is the selection, presentation, study, dissemination and preservation of contemporary art by emerging and renowned artists from around the world.
Danger Museum | Miho Shimizu | Øyvind Renberg | Tomorrow & Yesterday | Davis Museum | MAC Barcelona
hace 11 años
Sean Miller | Ben Patterson | Connie Hwang | Museum Grounds | Davis Lisboa Mini-Museum
hace 11 años
Tom Marioni | Beer, Art and Philosophy: A Memoir | Davis Museum Barcelona
hace 11 años
Tónia Coll | Llit | Davis Museum | The Davis Lisboa Mini-Museum of Contemporary Art in Barcelona
hace 11 años
Karen Aune | Neoptiks β | Davis Museum | The Davis Lisboa Mini-Museum
hace 11 años
Hunter Cole | Living Drawings | Davis Museum | The Davis Lisboa Mini-Museum of Contemporary Art
hace 11 años
Antoni Socías | Tablillas C2 | Davis Museum | The Davis Lisboa Mini-Museum of Contemporary Art
hace 11 años
Carlos Rezende | Cora Coralina | Davis Museum | The Davis Lisboa Mini-Museum of Contemporary Art
hace 11 años
Richard Garet | Gap, Edition 5/5 | Davis Museum | The Davis Lisboa Mini-Museum of Contemporary Art
hace 11 años
Gê Orthof | 800º | Davis Museum | The Davis Lisboa Mini-Museum of Contemporary Art in Barcelona
hace 11 años
PSJM | Khodorkovsky | Davis Museum | The Davis Lisboa Mini-Museum of Contemporary Art in Barcelona
hace 11 años
María Cañas | The Toro's Revenge | Davis Museum | The Davis Lisboa Mini-Museum of Contemporary Art
hace 11 años
Davis Lisboa | Davis Museum | The Museum Is The Work Of Art | Davis Lisboa Mini-Museum
hace 11 años
Davis Museum | Inauguration | The Davis Lisboa Mini-Museum of Contemporary Art in Barcelona
hace 11 años