Legally Obtain A Second Passport or New Country Residency

  • 11 years ago
Legally Obtain A Second Passport or New Country Residency-Diplomats are exempt from the criminal, civil and administrative jurisdiction of the host country. Diplomatic privileges and immunities guarantee that diplomatic agents or members of their immediate family can not bearrested or detained, may not have their residences entered and searched and can not be prosecuted according to the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic and Consular Relations.
The application for a diplomatic post and the nomination by the involved Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the issuing authorities is an extensive official act. The involved ministry will check the candidate's application, first of all, because it is important to evaluate the vacancies and to make sure that there is a need to appoint a diplomatic representative in the country and/or region where the applicant lives. Additionally, the host country will be informed about the application and the nomination. The establishment of diplomatic missions and the appointment of diplomatic representatives takes place by mutual consent of the sending and the receiving country. The Minister of Foreign Affairs or the Head of State has to permit nomination. After this, the involved authority can issue the Diplomatic Passport. The duration of issuance is subject to the sending country, but usually a period of 2-6 months is required for passport-issue. We think that a quicker handling speaks for itself and can not be considered as honest nomination supported by a reliable source.
Diplomatic immunity is a principle of international law by which certain foreign government officials are not subject to the jurisdiction of local courts and other authorities for both their official and, to a large extent, their personal activities. The principle of diplomatic immunity is one of the oldest elements of foreign relations.

The special privileges and immunities accorded foreign diplomatic and consular representatives assigned to other countries reflect rules developed among the nations of the world regarding the manner in which civilized international relations must be conducted. The underlying concept is that foreign representatives can carry out their duties effectively only if they are accorded a certain degree of insulation from the application of standard law enforcement practices of the host country.

Although each host country may have some slightly different procedure by which they extend diplomatic courtesy, an International Diplomat - as a general rule - may expect so many benefits and privileges from the Worldwide Diplomatic Community that they are difficult to list.

A few of them are:
Red Carpet Treatment by international governments.
No Tax Liability on income from outside the host country.
You may display "CC" (Corps Consulaire) plates on your car so that your status is known to the forces of control who may not detain you in any way
Confidential movement and activity -
