Guy Sports Mankini on Golf Course

  • 11 years ago
A middle-aged guy sports a mankini on a golf course in Australia.

Men's fashion evolves as much as women's fashion.

One man recently drew some attention for his attire.

He made an appearance at a golf club in Darwin, Australia on Boxing Day sporting a tiny, lime green mankini. Evidently the man was trying to beat the extremely hot temperatures.

Photos show the male calmly drinking and pushing his golf bag, however his outfit of choice doesn’t leave too much to the imagination. Although some people have found the incident funny, others have taken offense.

Golf course officials were certainly angered by the antics.

Earlier this year, a 50-year-old Texas man made news reports for his garment of choice. For five years straight, the man would go for long neighborhood walks in only a thong, socks and sneakers.

While some neighbors were friendly, others weren’t so happy about his thong-wearing strolls. The man estimated he had been briefly detained by police approximately 30 times for his near naked walks.


