YY {} TD = KURT - A Tribute to Kurt S c h w i t t e r s
  • vor 11 Jahren
YY {} TD = KURT- is a tribute to Kurt Schwitters. The painter and poet. The Dadaist and Constructivist. The graphic designer and builder of the Merz Building, the world's first walk-in sculpture. The author of Anna Blume. The collagist and great son of Hanover, who is known beyond city and state borders.
YY {} TD = KURT wants to mark Kurt Schwitters’ 125th birthday in 2012.

In a joint action of the Hanover artist Yasemin Yilmaz and the Dutch artist duo Topp & Dubio Hanover collages, in form of time images, meet Dutch conceptual artists, Dadaism and Constructivism.

In a concurrent art project boundaries and distances disappear. Spatial separations can be overcome with the help of modern technology and lead to a commonality of the action.
Yasemin Yilmaz in Hanover and Topp & Dubio in The Hague symbiotically created a picture together at the same time at this year's 48-hour show on the Kulturetage SofaLoft in Hanover (October 5th - 7th 2012).

www.time-images.org www.topp-dubio.nl