Obama, Romney campaign in swing states.

  • 12 years ago
A day after their final debate, President Obama and Mitt Romney were on the attack.

Teaser SOUNDBITE: U.S. President Barack Obama saying:

"You have come down with a case of Romnesia, if you can not seem to remember the policies on your website, or the promises that you have been make."

SOUNDBITE: Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney saying:

"Attacks on me are not an agenda. The President--, we have gone through four debates now, we have gone through four debates, with the vice presidential debate and my debates, and we have not heard an agenda from the President. And that is why his campaign is taking on water and our campaign is full speed ahead."

With just two weeks to elections and polls showing Obama in a tie with Republican Mitt Romney, both candidates are focusing on swing states ...and key groups.


"You can choose to turn back the clock fifty years for immigrants and gays and women, or in this election you can decide we will remain an inclusive, generous country where no matter who you are, or what you look like, or where you come from, or who you love, you can make it if you try, you have got a place in the American family. That is what is at stake right now."

In Nevada, Romney and running mate Paul Ryan told supporters they would improve the economy.

SOUNDBITE: Republican Presidential Nominee Mitt Romney saying:

"We are going to get America back, we are going to take this country, get good jobs, rising take-home pay, keep us strong overseas, support our military. America is coming back, this is the comeback team. I love America. I believe in you. I believe our brightest days are ahead. Thank you so very much. Sure love you. Thank you for being here."

Obama leads Romney by just 1 point according to the latest Reuters/Ipsos tracking poll.
