Muhammad ll Karen Armstrong -The Compassion of Muhammad (PBUH) [Must Watch!] - YouTube

  • vor 12 Jahren
"It's a time of fitnah and trial.But Muslims in the past have always used these period of difficulty as a spiritual opportunity.They rack their brains of thought creatively how to bring the compassionate and the deep lessons of the Quran to a violent and trouble world.And that's our duty in this world,to make the compassionate voice of Islam speak loudly ..If every single one of us did that,we could drown the voice of extremism and do our best to work for a peaceful,just and sustainable world"

On the CelebrateMercy webcast, Karen Armstrong, best-selling British author and founder of the Charter for Compassion, discusses compassion in the Quran. This compassion was most exemplified in the Prophet Muhammad's life.
