Changing your page structure in rvsitebuilder

  • 12 years ago
Changing your page structure in RVSiteBuilder

• Log in to RVSiteBuilder.
• Go to Step 4 Page Structure option. Scroll down.
• Select individual pages by clicking the single arrow. Multiple pages can be added by clicking on control button and selecting them. There are some special pages available and their list is located beneath the prior list for suggested pages.
• The position of page can be selected by clicking on its name and then moving them by Move up page. Similarly, pages can be moved down.
• A new page can be added by clicking on Add New Page option.
• Once the pages are selected, you can re-order, rename or delete them from the options mentioned on right hand buttons. Once finished, you can save the settings.
• Go to Step 7 for publishing the website and executing the changes.
